
Throughout the years, immigration has gained a large spotlight, especially with the current treatment humans have been receiving. Many people, all over the world, come to the United States in hopes for a better life for their families and themselves. While it is a risky experience, it is often not what one expects and they are treated worse here than in their home countries.

President Trump has made it extremely difficult for people, known as Dreamers, to find a better sustainable life in America and live the American Dream. Many live in constant fear of being detained and deported to their past home. Trump has shown a strong belief against minorities since his campaign for Presidency and has done constant immigration sweeps throughout the country, mainly in southern states such as Texas, California and Arizona. His great idea to stop immigration is to build a giant wall to replace the fences that border the two countries, his only problem is who will fund a multi-billion dollar project.

After formally messing with and removing DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, from holders and future recipients, it has caused a large number of protests nationwide. This program protected DACA holders for 2 years and gave them the ability to work freely. While Obama has done as much damage with immigration in the country, Trump has made it his main focus which caused more outrage from minorities. His constant protesting to make America great again is by forcefully removing those who wish for a better life and are willing to work in the most dangerous conditions for below minimum wage. 

As having friends and family who are ‘immigrants’, I’m not in favor in the actions the President has done and fear caused in human beings who are just like the rest of us due to where they are born. It gives a sort of superiority and advantage over others and it is not fair. His stance and reaction to immigration could be contained and projected in a better way.


  1. I admire many of the ideas you relayed in your blog post, especially the logical argument behind funding for the wall President Trump proposed, but much of the language in the article is not as strong as it should be. In the first paragraph, the phrase “especially with the current treatment humans have been receiving,” why are you referring to society as “humans?” The word “humans” almost brings a derogatory tone to the article, reminding me of the “illegal-alien” terminology used to describe illegal immigrants. If you are trying to convince the reader that immigration is a positive thing and that President Trump’s actions aren’t improving America, I would suggest using more inclusive language. You want your reader to trust you, which goes back to the rhetorical device of ethos and your audience viewing you as trustworthy. By using words like “us” or “we,” you directly include the reader and show them that you are part of their community and are a reliable source. If you want to strengthen your persuasive writing overall, I would suggest intertwining the three rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos to fully convince your viewers of your central claim.
    In addition, I found some of your logic a bit flawed, which almost made me question your argument more than convince me of your main point. You stated that “many live in constant fear of being detained and deported to their past home,” but also note that the American experience “is often not what one expects and they are treated worse here than in their home countries.” This makes me think that immigrants should just go back home because they are constantly in fear of being deported from a place that is worse than where they came from. So, I would clarify, because these two conflicting arguments make me very confused. Lastly, using the phrase “messing with” to describe President Trump removing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program makes me think of President Trump and DACA as two siblings pranking each other. I would use much more formal language to describe such a serious situation. I really like the points you bring across in your editorial, but I would strengthen them in order to fully convince your reader of your point and legalize immigration.

  2. Hello Tellezman,
    I do agree with your concerns about immigration. The United States has always had an insane rocky history with immigrants coming to the United States for a better life. The idea of nativism that Pres. Trump has been exemplified again. However, agreeably Obama has done similar things but not at the extent of Human Rights Violations. Sadly DACA was created by prosecutorial discretion by the president. As Pres. Obama can add it, Pres. Trump can take it. At this point do you even think our Legislative Branch can actually fix this problem or it too far gone for now?


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