
In the light of news, sexual harassment as become more open and continues to increase as time goes on. We tend to avoid such a touchy subject but we should be more aware of what is going on in the nation. Women experience this the most, whether they are out on the streets or in a workplace. The way our criminal justice system is set, it is almost never guaranteed that those who harass and/or assault will not be convicted once reported.

Workplace harassment is a common form, as the ratio of men to women in professional settings are slightly skewed, this allows cushion room for men to abuse their titles. This tends to allow entitled men to continue to get away with their unsafe actions. 

Many government officials have had allegations and accusations against them for harassment throughout the years. There is a 50/50 chance that a woman will actually move forward and telling their boss about what is happening, more than likely it is their boss doing so. These are who we consider our leaders, the ones who are breaking down women and making them feel unsafe. While they are the ones who create the laws, there could be almost no chance to have them also change and tweak them for the benefit of others. 

In 2016, luckily many women have become more open about what has happened to them in the past and created the #MeToo movement, now it is not only for women, it has allowed the ability to raise awareness for a cause that has been constantly happening. This has allowed a safe space for people to speak who have experienced the same thing. To improve the safety and well-being of others, there should be stricter laws against the way we handle reports. It should be known to not degrade the victim and belittle them for what has happened, or make them relive something that they wish to not remember. There should also be a penalty for false accusations as well, as this starts to become like the boy who cried wolf. Everyone should have a fair chance in getting their voice heard and it is unfair how the government treats victim under certain circumstances. 


  1. Hi there! You've written a really great article on a very important topic. I really wish that the general public, including myself were more up to date and aware of how often this occurs and were educated on how to handle ourselves if this were to ever happen to ourselves or a friend. I think the '#metoo' movement is a great one and is definitely better than nothing. Maybe one other thing that they can do is teach about it more in schools. For instance the education system could possibly start a class that teaches boys to respect women and for women on how to defend themselves in moments like those and to not be embarrassed to come forward.

    The only critique I would have of your article is that I'd love to see a ratio in your article that explains what percentage of women are sexually harassed in general and in the work place. Also, if you were to provide some citation, then I believe that would back your wording up and cause a stronger argument for your fight against sexual harassment.


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